Alldis & Partner GmbH

We create your own Digital Sales Consultant.

In 2009, the journalist Rob Walker wanted to find out if storytelling really is the most powerful tool of all. To do this, he went on his computer and bought 200 objects from eBay.

The average price of the objects was about 1$. He then called 200 authors and asked them, “Hey! would you like to be part of a significant object study? Which means I would like you to write a story to one of the objects.” And all of them agreed.

About Storytelling (Video)

So, there he had 200 objects, 200 stories, and with nail-biting anticipation he went on eBay again with all the 200 objects. Would there be a difference? Would there be a change?

One of the objects was a sculpture which he bought for 99 cents and was sold, when the story was added, for $62.95. That is a “slight” increase of 6395%.

So, was this an one-off situation? Not really, because he bought the 200 objects for a total of $129 and sold them for $8000…

We can help you implement this concept on your social media channels and website.

  • In today's fast-paced and overstimulated times, in addition to a competent social media presence, direct contact openings with potential clients/investors are very important.

    It’s about building trust and taking the initiative: If the target group has seen you and/or your company on social media and found it interesting, then you are already a huge step further in the sales process by the time you contact them directly. Because a certain basic trust is already established.

    However, many do not have time for professional management of their social media presence and/or for reaching out directly. That is why we offer exactly that:

    From a professional social media presence to direct contact with potential clients: “20 a day keeps the doctor away.”

  • Follow us on LinkedIn and discover our latest work for clients: A&P LinkedIn

    And you can learn more about us here: Experience

And if you are interested in learning more about how we do it, you can very easily book an e-meeting with us over here: